PakTech Blog

Entries related to: food-packaging


By PakTech
As any successful co-packer knows, the best way to grow your business is to offer more services to your customers. That’s why “one stop shop, “complete solution”, and “single-source” are such popular selling points—the co-packer gets more business and manufacturers have all their packaging needs done in one place. Win win!
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PakTech Assists launching U.S. Plastics Pact's Circular Economy Roadmap as a Founding Activator

By PakTech
PakTech assists with launching The U.S. Plastics Pact's (“U.S. Pact”) “Roadmap to 2025,” an aggressive national strategy illustrating how the U.S. Pact, PakTech and fellow signatories, known as Activators, will achieve each of the U.S. Pact’s four 2025 targets through specific actions, responsibilities, and interim timeframes to realize a circular economy for plastics in the United States by 2025.
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PakTech is one of 10 Innovative Food Companies to Watch in 2021

By PakTech
The world is growing at a tremendous pace, and with it, there is an ascent in the demand levels for food packaging. With the shortage of resources becoming an increasing reality, employing and incorporating sustainable and ingenious techniques has become the primary objective of PakTech.
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