Australia - PakTech Blog

How does PakTech meet ANZPAC targets?

Written by PakTech | May 15, 2024 4:20:23 PM

By PakTech


Australian businesses are bound by many sustainability targets, both internal and external. PakTech exists to help our customers - whether you’re a major CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) company with international reach or a family-run independent brewery in regional Australia - meet any and all regulations, whether those formally set by policymakers, or their own internal goals. 


Some of the most significant in Australia are the targets laid out by ANZPAC (The Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Islands Plastics Pact). But what is ANZPAC? What are its key targets set by ANZPAC? And how does PakTech help our customers not just meet, but exceed, those targets?


ANZPAC is a collaboration between national and regional initiatives world wide who have created solutions towards a circular economy for plastic. ANZPAC, fueled by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's Plastics Pact Network, stands as a beacon of change in the fight against plastic waste. PakTech stands shoulder to shoulder with this movement. 


At the heart of PakTech's mission is a commitment to the Australian Circular Economy. By manufacturing packaging handles from 100% recycled, recyclable Australian plastic, PakTech isn’t just here to reduce environmental impact, we’re here to advance awareness and action in local recycling and sustainability. 


This dedication to utilising locally sourced materials underscores PakTech's commitment to driving the circular economy forward, one handle at a time. So, what are the key targets, and how are we helping our customers exceed them?


  1. The first target set by ANZPAC is the ‘elimination of unnecessary and problematic plastic packaging through redesign, innovation and alternative (reuse) delivery models’.

    PakTech takes this goal seriously, committing to incorporate Near Infrared (NIR) Detectable colourant - the use of substances that absorb or reflect near-infrared light and can be identified using NIR spectroscopy or imaging techniques, in all our black products by 2024. This ensures that even the seemingly unavoidable plastic packaging is optimised for recyclability and recovery, aligning seamlessly with ANZPAC's vision.

  2. ANZPAC’s second target is for ‘100% of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025’.

    PakTech doesn't just comply; we exceed this target with flying colours. Currently, 100% of PakTech's packaging products are recyclable and recently assessed kerbside recyclable by APCO, setting a high standard for sustainable packaging practices within the industry. 

  3. The third ANZPAC target is ‘increasing plastic packaging collected and effectively recycled by at least 25% for each geographic area within the ANZPAC region by 2025’.

    PakTech actively contributes to achieving this target through its recycling initiatives. All waste generated during manufacturing processes is recycled, ensuring minimal environmental impact. PakTech also proudly collaborates with influential industry names such as Visy Recycling and Independent Craft Brewers to establish additional drop-off locations for collection, facilitating greater accessibility and participation in recycling efforts.

  4. ANZPAC’s fourth and final target is for an ‘average of 25% recycled content in plastic packaging across the region by 2025’.

    Once again, PakTech not only meets but surpasses this target as our products are manufactured using 100% Recycled Australian HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene), demonstrating a firm commitment to utilising sustainable materials and closing the loop on plastic waste.


Collectively, these targets are about more than compliance; they’re about businesses and industries committing to the Circular Economy, and meeting the demands of today’s consumers. 


So, how does PakTech empower businesses to surpass ANZPAC targets? Firstly, we provide innovative packaging solutions that prioritise recycled content and recyclability without compromising on functionality or aesthetics. By incorporating NIR Detectable colourant and utilising recycled materials, PakTech ensures that our products align with ANZPAC's sustainability objectives.


In fact, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond meeting ANZPAC targets to minimising its carbon footprint. Sphera's Life Cycle Analysis confirms that our handles have the lowest carbon footprint in secondary packaging, emphasising our dedication to environmental stewardship and responsible manufacturing practices.



Secondly, PakTech goes beyond simply offering products, we actively engage in initiatives to promote recycling and recovery. Through strategic partnerships and the establishment of additional collection points, PakTech facilitates the efficient collection and recycling of plastic packaging, contributing to the achievement of ANZPAC's ambitious targets. 


We recently teamed up with Endeavour Group - a champion of sustainability in Australia - to trial a recycling scheme in select Dan Murphy’s stores. Through the initial trial, customers can return their beer clips to nominated stores. Clips will be transferred to a third-party waste management company for recycling. 


PakTech isn't just meeting ANZPAC targets, we're redefining what it means to be a leader in sustainable packaging. With our bold initiatives, unwavering commitment to innovation and relentless pursuit of excellence, we're sculpting a greener, more sustainable tomorrow for generations to come. 


Join us in our journey towards a brighter future—one handle at a time.